Connectors and Connections

A facility normally has a series of connectors, which represent its ability to receive and send fluids through the system. They are divided into Oil in connector in and Oil out connector out connectors, represented by squares that follow a color code; as can be seen, out connectors have a slightly lighter color than in connectors, and an arrow starting from it which indicates the destination of the processed fluids.

Connectors can be added/removed from the facility Image Sub-Tab.

Connectors are classified in the following types, depending on the kind of fluid they can route:

  • Main fluids: Oil in connectoroil, Gas in connectorgas, Water in connector water.
  • Mixed fluids: Three-phase in connector three-phase, Total liquid in connector total liquid (oil-water), Oil-gas in connector oil-gas.
  • Components: C2 in connectorC2, C3 in connectorC3, Paraffin in connector paraffin, etc. See Fluid Components Catalog.

Facility capacity limits are displayed thus: Oil out connector with capacity limit in out connectors, since they represent the facility's ability to deliver fluids. Selecting a node will display the fluid type and capacities if any. See Capacity Sub-Tab.

Those connectors which combine oil and gas (Oil-gas in connector oil-gas and Three-phase in connector three-phase) cannot have capacity limits.

A connection in PetroVR models the means through which fluids are transported between facilities or between wells and facilities. It is represented by an arrow indicating the route and direction of the flow.

Connections are represented by colored arrows that go from an out connector to an in connector; the color code is the same as for connectors. Line types indicate:

Connecting Facilities in the Surface Layout

To connect the flows from a facility to another click-and-drag the color arrow from an out connector of the source facility to the target facility. If the target facility has a connector that can accept the fluid you are trying to route, a color line will appear indicating that the connections has been created.

Three-phase in connector three-phase Accepts any incoming fluid.
Oil-gas in connector oil-gas Accepts oil, gas, and oil and gas components.
Total liquid in connector total liquid Accepts total liquid, oil, water, and oil and water components.
Oil in connector oil, Gas in connector gas, Water in connector water Accepts its respective fluid and its components.
C2 in connector C3 in connector Paraffin in connector components Accepts only the same component.

Connecting Wells in the Surface Layout

To connect wells to a facility, select it and click the Connect wells button (also available in the right-click menu). You can also do this by drag-and-dropping single wells, reservoirs or groups from the Tree View to the facility.

If a facility has any wells connected to it, a well manifold icon Well manifold will appear linked to the facility's three-phase in connector in the case of producers, and to its out connector in the case of injectors. You can double-click the icon to view and edit currently connected wells; you can also drag-and-drop objects from the Tree View to the manifold. (See Manifold Groups.)

Connecting Wells to Facilities

You can select entire reservoirs or well groups and connect them to a facility. It will automatically select all wells in the reservoir/well group.

It is possible to connect a well to more than one facility in the specification. In that case, if both facilities are built at simulation time, the well will be connected first to the one built first, and then re-connected to the second when the latter is built in turn. This is intended to allow the modeling of scenarios where the construction of each facility is subject to different conditions and well production is routed to whichever is built.